They trust us

  • L'Oréal
  • PSA
  • Dalkia Smart Building
  • BVA
  • EDM
  • Hagergroup
  • Pôle Formation UIMM Lorraine
  • Arcom
  • ADP

Why Geolys ?

At a time when m² are scarce and expensive, where employees are more and more demanding and nomadic, where working habits are evolving to more collaboration, collective intelligence and agility, work area must change. More services have  for more comfort, efficiency, creativity and performance of teams, and to drive building attractivity up.

It is now essential to propose user-centric work environment, proposing the proper services at the right place, at the right moment.

Discover GEOLYS and switch to SmartBuilding! 


“Mandatory for all real estate directors and Teams inside a building”

–Olivier Mercier –  Innovation Director ADP Group

  • Géolys by Tévolys

    Geolys is our e-coffee place !

    “During this hideous period of confinement, Geolys is our best way to keep in touch with colleagues. Obviously there are other ways but Geolys is our internal break session, to share and have fun. Geolys contributes to keep our team solid. Geolys is our e-coffee place!"

    — Stéphanie Guinet, Communication manager
  • Géolys by Tévolys

    Mandatory in few weeks for our 4 sites!

    GEOLYS is enabling smooth daily communication between our 4 distant sites. Contents are easy to manage and to access for all users. Within few weeks, GEOLYS has become a key element sin our work process.

    — Ismaël Colin , General Secretary LEGATIS Notaries
  • Géolys by Tévolys

    Hager Group delivers a Smart Building with real benefits for end users

    « GEOLYS® is THE « Smart Building » platform that helps us achieve both operational excellence and deliver a better comfort to end users. It helped us understand and take into account their needs when moving in our new building! 
    Hager Group delivers here a Smart Building with real benefits to end users»

    — Christophe Delachat, Strategic Marketing Manager, Hager Group
  • Géolys by Tévolys

    Mandatory for any real estate director

    « The services proposed by Geolys® platform are just perfect for end user daily life (itinerary calculation, find colleagues, etc...). Embedded metrics and dashboards are key for administrators to take the most out of a Smart Building (occupancy ratios, comfort follow up, ....). »

    — Olivier MERCIER, Innovation Director DSI ADP Group

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